Dear Friends and Family,

What an astounding series of events have unfolded these past few months. In such a short span we have experienced so much. Normalcy feels almost antiquated in these unsettling times. Yet, it is a resounding comfort that as believers we can hold firm to the promises that God can be moving even when our nation is, quite literally, shut down. Here on the reservation we can attest to such things quite clearly. Our summers and a large portion of our spring is determined and embodied by large groups of individuals coming from the across the country to work with us. Due to Covid we have had to cancel all of these defining aspects of our ministry for the year. Which as you can imagine feels like a huge blow to the stomach. BUT, we have also seen how miraculously God can move when we’re stuck at our houses. Since we couldn’t hold normal services, we’ve had to do online services like so many other churches. What we saw though was an influx of people that were watching that haven’t been to church in years. Some who have never come at all. This means that the gospel was reaching new people even as we were drastically dropping in our planned activities. Furthermore, God has still seen fit to give us opportunities to reach out to the community. Everything from supplying food and other essentials to houses, to posting ridiculous videos of ourselves for the youth. Recently, we were even able to partner with another outreach here and give out food boxes, hand sanitizer, masks, and other necessities. Clearly, God is still moving despite the obstacles that seem insurmountable to us. God was here long before these tumultuous times and will continue to be long after.
Ways to Pray
- Our county has one of the highest number of Covid cases right now and is still growing. Please pray for the safety and health of the community here that I hold so dear.
- At the moment I’m working on growing my support as it has been affected by the shutdown and the job losses felt by so many across the country. Please pray that the Lord will open doors and give me boldness to speak about the calling He has placed on my heart.
Ways to Get Involved!!!
As I’ve already said we
are unable to hold our normal summer events, namely kids club which is my
personal favorite. Since we can’t bring kids together for kids club, we decided
to bring kids club to the kids! Our plan is to try and get several packages or “Kids
Club in a Box”, and give them to households that would've come to the in person event. These boxes would consist of crafts,
snacks, toys, flip flops, and all the other summer essentials. For us to pull
this off though we will need the help of our brothers and sisters! We need flip
flops, bathing suits, candy, dollar store toys, socks, etc. The mailing address
for these is 14531 Pumphouse Rd, White Swan, WA 98952. If mailing isn’t an option
we would also love donations to the children’s ministry fund so that we can purchase
supplies for these boxes. You can donate at the donation page of If you have any questions at all don’t hesitate to
contact me at
or 509-985-2644.
Thank you for your
support and prayers. May God bless you as He has over surpassingly blessed me.